school and library presentations
Flexible, fun and informative classes for Years 1 – 10. The emphasis of the classes can be tailored to suit your needs.
I offer classes in picture book creation, based around my books The Poppy, Spark, Glitch and The Perfect Leaf. In these sessions, I take students through the process of story and character creation, and discuss plot arcs, changing points-of-view and other aspects of picture book design. The emphasis is on finding a different, original way to approach a story. These sessions are offered as 60-minute introductions, or whole-day or half-day workshops. For younger students in particular, we can look at creating silent picture books, for those who find writing – and especially spelling! – a challenge.
I also offer up-to-date and interactive classes combining the science of dinosaurs and art. The students have the opportunity to see fossil casts and models of dinosaurs, as well as my own paintings of the latest discoveries in palaeontology. In 2004, I travelled to China with a scientific expedition to study the famed feathered dinosaurs of Liaoning. The classes focus especially on these newest finds.
With the Centenary of World War 1 now a major focus in schools, I also offer discussion sessions on the history of Villers-Bretonneux, the town at the centre of The Poppy. We examine the battle, its significance to both France and Australia, and the fascinating and moving story of the relationship between the two countries since, and how it led to the creation of a children's book.
some teacher's comments

Andrew, I would wholeheartedly recommend you to other schools … Your vitality and passion, your amazing knowledge and experience and your ability to engage children is exceptional. The comment made by one of the students at the conclusion of the lesson, that it was "the best day of my life!" says it all.

Truly amazing practitioner, professional, performer, artist! He is so very personable and flexible to fit into your school's schedule. All the students were thoroughly engaged and entertained by Andrew's love of illustration and dinosaurs etc. He captured the hearts of our youngest 4 year olds and challenged our parent community! We would have Andrew back at WAB anytime!

Andrew Plant was such a hit! He's a great entertainer, relates so well to little people, and really inspired the kids and teachers with his passion for his work. Please, please invite him back again!

Both students and staff alike … were so impressed and inspired by your knowledge – and your enthusiasm with sharing it.

Excellent presenter. His style was not only informative, but entertaining!!!
I also offer students the chance to participate in longer-term projects, such as book creation or murals, through an artist-in-residence program over several consecutive days, or spread over several weeks. I have created murals, with the participation of students in both design and execution, at Camberwell Grammar School, Christian College Geelong, Malvern Central School, Bannockburn Primary School, Ivanhoe Grammar School, Kingswood College, Norwood Secondary College, Burwood Heights Primary School, St. Thomas the Apostle Primary School, and Malvern Primary School. I also created a mural for the Mary Martin Bookshop front window at Southgate. (See here in the Murals gallery)
At different schools, I have worked with groups of specially selected students, or with the entire school community, and have worked in cooperation with art, science and history teachers, librarians, and parents. Topics have included school anniversaries, prehistoric life, mythology, and vegetables!
regional visits
I am very happy to travel to regional centres, and overseas, and have presented in libraries and schools around Ballarat, Bendigo, the Western District, Goldfields, Mildura, Ouyen, Swan Hill and the Geelong area. I regularly presented at the South Australian Museum's annual Palaeontology Week for eight years, and in 2009 visited schools in Ipswich and in central Queensland, at Longreach and Winton. In 2010, I presented in Alice Springs for the Children's Literature in the Centre festival. In 2012 I travelled to China to work with the students at the Western Academy of Beijing, and the Beijing City International School. In 2014 worked with schools in the Pilbara, at Port Hedland and Marble Bar, and in 2017 with schools in the Gascoyne.
For all enquiries, please contact Booked Out at, Creative Net at or Greenleaf Press at